
Why You Shouldn't Sell Cabbage Patch Dolls At Estate Sales

get rid of cabbage patch dolls

Are you thinking about selling your beloved Cabbage Patch Kids collection at an estate sale? Well, hold onto your fuzzy dolls for a moment, because I’ve got some important insights to share. 


As someone who’s seen the ups and downs of the vintage toy market, I can tell you that using estate sale companies to offload your Cabbage Patch collection might not be the best idea.


The truth is, you’re likely to get far less money for your dolls at an estate sale compared to other selling options. Let’s dive in and explore why you should reconsider this approach.


The Cabbage Patch Boom and Bust

To understand the challenges of selling Cabbage Patch dolls at estate sales, we need to take a trip down memory lane. In the 1980s, these huggable little bundles of joy were the must-have toy of the decade. Parents were willing to brave long lines, fight tooth and nail, and even pay exorbitant prices on the secondary market to get their hands on these sought-after dolls.


At the height of the craze, Cabbage Patch Kids were selling for as much as $100 each – a staggering amount for a toy back then. However, like many fads, the Cabbage Patch bubble eventually burst. As supply caught up with demand, prices plummeted, and the dolls lost much of their perceived value.


The Decline in Cabbage Patch Doll Value

These days, the average resale value of a Cabbage Patch doll is a far cry from their 1980s heyday. According to the latest data, a well-preserved, mint-condition Cabbage Patch doll in its original packaging can fetch around $30 to $50 on the secondary market. But for those that have been played with or don’t have their original accessories, the value drops significantly, often landing in the $10 to $20 range.


It’s a sobering statistic, especially for those who may have invested a small fortune in building up their Cabbage Patch collections over the years. And the unfortunate truth is that estate sale companies are notoriously tough negotiators when it comes to vintage toys, often offering pennies on the dollar for items they know are no longer in high demand.


The Challenges of Selling at Estate Sales

Estate sales can be a great way to declutter your home and earn some extra cash, but they’re not always the best solution for selling valuable collectibles like Cabbage Patch dolls. Here are a few key reasons why:


1. Low-ball Offers

Estate sale companies are in the business of making a profit, and they know how to drive a hard bargain. When it comes to Cabbage Patch dolls, they’re well aware that the market has cooled significantly over the years. As a result, they’ll often offer you a fraction of the dolls’ true worth, leaving you feeling shortchanged.


According to a recent survey, the average price offered by estate sale companies for a Cabbage Patch doll in good condition is just $5 to $10. Compare that to the $30 to $50 you could potentially get on the open market, and it’s easy to see why this approach might not be the best option.


2. Lack of Expertise

Estate sale companies are generalists, dealing with a wide variety of items from furniture and jewelry to vintage toys and collectibles. While they may have a good understanding of the broader market, they often lack the specialized knowledge required to accurately assess the value of niche items like Cabbage Patch dolls.


This can lead to them undervaluing your collection, either because they’re not aware of the nuances that can affect a doll’s worth or because they simply don’t have the time or resources to thoroughly research each item. As a result, you may end up leaving a significant amount of money on the table.


3. Limited Exposure

One of the biggest drawbacks of selling your Cabbage Patch dolls through an estate sale is the limited exposure your items will receive. Estate sales are typically local events, attracting a relatively small pool of potential buyers compared to the global reach of online marketplaces or specialty toy collectors.


This means that you’re likely to miss out on the opportunity to connect with those rare Cabbage Patch enthusiasts who may be willing to pay top dollar for your prized dolls. Instead, you’ll be relying on the estate sale company to attract the right buyers, which can be a risky proposition.


4. Lack of Control

When you hand over your Cabbage Patch collection to an estate sale company, you’re essentially relinquishing control over the sales process. The company will handle the pricing, marketing, and negotiation, and you’ll have little say in how your dolls are presented or the final selling price.


This can be particularly frustrating if you feel that the company is undervaluing your items or not doing enough to showcase their unique features and condition. After all, these dolls hold sentimental value, and you may want to ensure they end up in the hands of someone who truly appreciates their worth.


Alternative Selling Options

If you’re looking to get the most value for your Cabbage Patch doll collection, it’s worth exploring alternative selling options beyond estate sales. Here are a few suggestions:


1. Use Sell Your Toys Now

Here at SellYourToysNow.com, we pride ourselves in giving the absolute best price to collectible cabbage patch dolls compared to anywhere else on the web.


If you have Cabbage Patch dolls that are still in its original box and are unused, please see our process for selling these timeless gems with us.


2. Online Marketplaces

Platforms like eBay, Etsy, and Facebook Marketplace offer a much wider reach for your Cabbage Patch dolls, allowing you to connect with a global audience of collectors and enthusiasts. 


By taking the time to research pricing, write detailed listings, and highlight the unique features of your dolls, you can often achieve significantly higher selling prices compared to the low-ball offers from estate sale companies.


3. Specialty Toy Collectors

Connecting with dedicated Cabbage Patch doll collectors, either through online forums, collector’s groups, or local toy shows, can be a great way to maximize the value of your collection. 


These individuals are often willing to pay premium prices for rare or well-preserved dolls, as they understand the nuances and significance of these vintage toys.


4. Consignment Shops

Some specialty toy stores or vintage collectible shops may be willing to take your Cabbage Patch dolls on consignment, splitting the sales proceeds with you. 


While you won’t get the full retail value, you’ll likely earn more than what an estate sale company would offer, and the shop’s expertise and established customer base can help ensure your dolls find the right buyers.


5. Charity Donation

If you’re not concerned about maximizing the financial return on your Cabbage Patch collection, you could consider donating your dolls to a local charity or non-profit organization. 


Not only will this allow your beloved toys to find new homes, but you may also be able to claim a tax deduction for the fair market value of your donation.



In the end, while estate sales may seem like a convenient way to declutter and earn some extra cash, they’re generally not the best option for selling your prized Cabbage Patch doll collection. The low-ball offers, lack of expertise, limited exposure, and loss of control can all add up to a less-than-ideal outcome.


Instead, consider exploring alternative selling options that allow you to connect with the right buyers and maximize the value of your dolls. Whether it’s through online marketplaces, specialty collectors, consignment shops, or even charity donations, there are plenty of ways to ensure your Cabbage Patch treasures end up in good hands and fetch a fair price.


So, as tempting as it may be to let an estate sale company handle the hassle, I’d encourage you to explore other avenues and give your Cabbage Patch dolls the attention and care they deserve. After all, these beloved toys have brought so much joy to so many over the years – they’re worth the extra effort to ensure they’re properly valued and appreciated.


Ready To Sell Your Cabbage Patch Dolls For Maximum Profit?


The best option is selling directly to toy and collectible buyers like us at SellYourToysNow.com. We purchase a wide selection of new Cabbage Patch Dolls in their original packaging for top dollar. Benefits of selling to toy buyers like us include:


  • Free valuation and prepaid shipping – We provide quotes and provide shipping labels for free.
  • Speed and convenience – Our team handles photography, listings, and sales so you can cash out fast.
  • Competitive payouts – We pay highly competitive rates based on condition and demand. Rare and vintage sets pay the most.
  • Direct payouts – Once we receive your toys, payouts are issued quickly, avoiding marketplace payment holds.

By streamlining the entire selling process, you can conveniently liquidate your Cabbage Patch Dolls figure collection for cash with minimal effort.

Sell Your Cabbage Patch Dolls at Sell Your Toys Now

At Sell Your Toys Now, we remove the complication from selling your dolls, toys, and action figures. If you have a cabbage patch collection in good condition that is still in its original packaging, and you want to earn money from that investment, reach out to our team today.

How To Sell Your Cabbage Patch Dolls Fast With Us

Step 1: CONNECT: Let us know what Cabbage Patch Dolls you want to sell. 


We have many options. You can email, use our app, submit photos, submit a list, or use our toy pricer. This will give us a better idea of what you’re selling. 


Step 2: GET A QUOTE: Receive a quote from Sell Your Toys Now.

Within two business days, our staff will evaluate your collection and respond to you with an offer to buy your toy collection.


Step 3: SEND & GET PAID: Ship your collection to receive payment.

If you are satisfied with our quote, you can accept the offer. We will then send you detailed instructions on how to package and ship your items. 


We pay for the shipping and provide shipping labels. Once your items are checked in at our warehouse, you should receive payment within 48 hours. We pay via check, Venmo, or PayPal.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I realistically expect to get for my Cabbage Patch dolls at an estate sale?

Based on industry data, estate sale companies typically offer around $5 to $10 per Cabbage Patch doll in good condition. This is significantly less than the $30 to $50 you could potentially get by selling them through other channels.

What’s the best way to determine the value of my Cabbage Patch doll collection?

The best approach is to research recent sales of similar dolls on platforms like eBay, and also connect with specialty toy collectors or consignment shops that can provide a more informed assessment of your collection’s worth.

Can I still make a good profit by selling my Cabbage Patch dolls at an estate sale?

While it’s possible to get a decent return, the odds are stacked against you. Estate sale companies are driven to maximize their own profits, and they know the Cabbage Patch market well enough to offer low prices. You’re likely to earn significantly more by exploring other sales channels.

What if I just want to get rid of my Cabbage Patch dolls quickly?

I understand the desire for a quick and easy solution, but an estate sale may not be the best approach, even in this case. Consider donating your dolls to a local charity or non-profit organization instead, which can provide you with a tax deduction and the satisfaction of knowing your beloved toys have found new homes.

Are there any exceptions where an estate sale might make sense for Cabbage Patch dolls?

If your Cabbage Patch collection is in poor condition, with damaged or missing parts, an estate sale may be a viable option, as the value is already quite low. However, for well-preserved dolls in good condition, you’ll almost always be better off exploring alternative selling channels.